Basics and General
Yes, they are often more energy-efficient than mechanical freezers because they don’t rely on compressors or refrigerant systems.
They can be environmentally friendly due to their lower energy consumption, but the production of liquefied gases does have a carbon footprint.
Yes, cryogenic freezers can be integrated into continuous production lines for high efficiency.
While cryogenic freezing doesn’t kill most bacteria or pathogens, it inhibits their growth by creating an environment unsuitable for survival.
Yes, they are often used for rapid chilling of beverages and liquid products.
Yes, cryogenic gases are used for metal hardening and temperature control in industrial processes.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is ideal for IQF applications like fruits, vegetables, and small meats.
Yes, immersion cryogenic freezers can quickly freeze liquids or semi-liquid products.
Yes, cryogenic systems are effective for cooling components during manufacturing or testing.
Liquid carbon dioxide converts to dry ice at -78.5°C (-109.3°F).
Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of -196°C (-321°F).
Catering companies supply the airline industry with quality fresh and frozen food. To ensure the integrity of the logistics’ cold chain, they have to use considerable amounts of CO2 dry ice. Dohmeyer designs and installs dry ice injection systems into food containers and vacuum insulated pipelines that supply liquid CO2 to the necessary dry ice pelletizers.
Cryogenic freezers work by exposing items to liquefied gases, such as liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide, which absorb heat as they evaporate, rapidly cooling the items.
It prevents large ice crystals from forming, preserving the texture, flavor, and nutritional value of food, as well as the integrity of pharmaceuticals and biological materials.
It works by directly exposing the product to cryogenic gases (LIN or LCO₂), causing rapid heat extraction and freezing.
Cryogenic freezing is significantly faster, often reducing freezing times by 50% or more.
Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant. It absorbs heat and evaporates, creating an ultra-cold environment for rapid freezing.
Cryogenic freezers can cool products within minutes, depending on the product’s size and thermal properties.
Yes, both LIN and LCO₂ are food-safe and widely used in the food industry.
Benefits include rapid freezing, minimal ice crystal formation, better preservation of texture and quality, and reduced energy consumption compared to some traditional methods.
Applications include freezing seafood, meat, bakery products, ready-to-eat meals, and preserving the freshness of fruits and vegetables.
Applications include preserving vaccines, storing biological samples, freezing cells, and supporting biopharmaceutical research.
Rapid freezing, improved product quality, reduced dehydration, better texture, and smaller equipment footprint.
Certifications include GMP compliance, ISO standards, and adherence to FDA or EMA regulations.
Cryogenic batch freezers use liquefied carbon dioxide (LCO2) or liquefied nitrogen (LIN) for discontinuous cooling and freezing. Controlled injection of the cryogenic gas lowers the temperature in the cabinet as the gas immediately evaporates. The latent heat of evaporation is the main source of cooling energy. Fans spread the gas in the cabinet in a controlled way and efficiently transfer the cold to the product’s surface. Cryogenic batch freezers are used for discontinuous cooling, freezing or crust-freezing for a wide range of products. Normally the operator loads the product onto trolleys equipped with wheels, before pushing them into the freezer. Applications can be found in the food industry, the pharmaceutical and metallurgical industry.
The crust process can be carried out in such equipment as batch freezers, linear tunnels, spiral tunnels, vertical tunnels.
Liquid nitrogen (LN2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the most commonly used gases.
Liquid nitrogen (LIN) and liquid carbon dioxide (LCO₂) are the two most common gases used.
Industries include food processing, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, aerospace, and medical research.
Food production, pharmaceuticals, electronics, aerospace, and metallurgy industries.
A cryogenic freezer is a device that uses extremely low temperatures, often achieved with liquefied gases like liquid nitrogen, to freeze items rapidly and efficiently.
Cryogenic tumblers are used to envelop a substrate with a sauce or another kind of coating. The end-product of the batch process is an IQF (individually quick frozen) added value product. Cryogenic coating is fast, flexible and efficient. The process can be fine-tuned to prevent breakage and to inhibit the production of fines. Due to special internal parts, the discharging of the tumbler is swift, and no segregation occurs (within 36 seconds). Thanks to specially designed nozzles and injection systems, the amount of coating can be up to 800 % in weight. Tumblers exist in nominal batch sizes of 50 to 800 kg (500 liter to 8800 liter).
Cryogenic cooling and freezing involve rapidly lowering the temperature of products using liquid nitrogen (LIN) or liquid carbon dioxide (LCO₂), which are extremely cold substances.
It involves the simultaneous mixing of a refrigerant such as liquid nitrogen (LIN) or liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2) and the product in a specially prepared unit. Product and cooling medium are loaded continuously at the highest entrance point of the drum. By the rotating movement, both are intensively mixed while, at the same time, sliding to the lower exit of the drum. The stirring movement and the mixing prevent products from clumping together. Special paddles can be built in to ensure this happens.
For some subsequent processes like slicing or decorating, it is necessary to harden the surface by crust-freezing. Using low temperatures as low as -195,8°C, the process is very fast.
Flash freezing is the rapid freezing of items to prevent ice crystal formation. Cryogenic freezing is a method used for flash freezing.
Cryogenic freezers use liquefied gases for cooling, while mechanical freezers use refrigerants and compressors. Cryogenic systems achieve much lower temperatures more quickly.
Products frozen cryogenically can have an extended shelf life, often several months to years, depending on the product type and storage conditions.
Rotary drum freezers are best used for IQF freezing of free rolling, mostly small products. They are perfect for products consisting of separate pieces. Applications in the food industry are abundant: rotary drums freeze individual pieces (granules, crumps, cubes.. ) of fish and meat, pasta, vegetables and precooked dishes to IQF quality.
Almost any food product, pharmaceuticals, metal components, and sensitive electronics can be cryogenically cooled or frozen.
Manufacturing of convenience food and ready meal components. The substrate can be seafood, vegetables, meat, potatoes, pasta or other free rolling products.
In the cryogenic batch freezers we can freeze such products as ready meals, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, poultry.
Precautions include proper ventilation, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and training to handle liquefied gases safely.
Cryogenic freezers can achieve temperatures as low as -196°C (-321°F), depending on the gas used.
Cost and Economics
Yes, cryogenic systems generally have lower maintenance costs compared to mechanical freezers.
Yes, faster freezing and fewer manual interventions streamline operations.
Costs include LIN/LCO₂ consumption, equipment, and maintenance, balanced against savings in production time and quality improvement.
LIN consumption varies but typically ranges from 1–2 kg per kg of product depending on the application.
Cryogenic tunnels have a smaller footprint compared to mechanical freezers, often less than 10–20 meters in length.
Many businesses notice improvements in throughput and quality within weeks.
While the operational costs for cryogenics can be higher, the overall benefits, such as reduced freezing times and better product quality, often offset these costs.
Costs depend on local suppliers and consumption rates but are generally affordable for high-value production.
Cryogenic systems use significantly less electricity since the cooling comes from LIN or LCO₂.
ROI depends on product type, production volume, and quality benefits. Many companies see ROI within 6–12 months.
Industry Specific
Yes, they are commonly used in blood banks and medical facilities for long-term storage.
Yes, industrial cryogenic freezers are designed to handle large-scale production.
Yes, they are specifically designed to maintain the integrity of sensitive samples such as DNA, RNA, and cells.
Yes, they are widely used for the long-term storage of stem cells in research and clinical applications.
Yes, it can be seamlessly integrated with conveyors and automated systems.
Yes, it is widely used for freezing meat and poultry to maintain quality and texture.
Yes, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are often stored cryogenically to prevent denaturation.
Yes, it is commonly used to preserve the quality and safety of ready-to-eat meals.
Yes, it ensures stability and extends the usability of sensitive products.
Yes, it prevents degradation and maintains the stability of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals.
Yes, by rapidly reducing temperatures, it minimizes the risk of microbial growth.
Yes, it prevents enzyme degradation and preserves API efficacy during storage.
Yes, it helps retain the natural flavors of food by reducing oxidative damage during freezing.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is used to preserve vaccines by maintaining their stability and efficacy at ultra-low temperatures.
Yes, the rapid freezing process reduces the likelihood of freezer burn.
Yes, closed systems and sterile environments prevent contamination of stored materials.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is the standard for preserving stem cells in both research and medical therapies.
Yes, Dohmeyer cryogenic freezers are ideal for preserving embryos, oocytes, and sperm for fertility treatments.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers tailored cryogenic systems for bulk freezing and storage of mRNA-based products.
It minimally affects nutritional value compared to traditional freezing methods.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers advanced cryogenic systems specifically designed for pharmaceutical freezing, cooling, and storage needs.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers customized cryogenic freezers and liquid nitrogen-based storage solutions for life science applications.
Bakery products are flash frozen to preserve freshness and texture, often right after baking or partially baking.
Advanced design features and sensors monitor and maintain uniform temperatures throughout the freezer.
It preserves the natural texture by preventing large ice crystal formation.
It ensures long shelf life and preserves product quality during transit.
It enables the preservation of patient-specific treatments, such as cellular therapies and precision biologics.
Cryogenic freezing is often faster and can achieve lower temperatures than traditional IQF methods.
By maintaining precise temperatures, cryogenic systems prevent thermal fluctuations that can degrade mRNA integrity.
It provides reliable ultra-cold storage during shipping and ensures vaccines remain stable during long-distance transport.
It provides reliable preservation methods for biological materials, enabling reproducibility and stability in experiments.
It preserves vaccines by preventing chemical degradation and microbial growth, ensuring long-term stability.
Rapid freezing minimizes ice crystal formation, which prevents mechanical damage to cellular structures.
By using ultra-low temperatures and rapid freezing, cryogenic technology minimizes ice crystal formation and cellular damage.
It aids in the preservation of biological samples, proteins, and enzymes, and ensures stability during research and development.
Cells are rapidly frozen to prevent ice crystal formation, preserving cellular structure and function.
It maintains the structural integrity of the mRNA molecules, preventing degradation and ensuring efficacy.
Cryogenic systems provide consistent ultra-low temperatures during transport, ensuring pharmaceutical integrity.
It preserves viral vectors, plasmids, and other gene therapy materials during production, storage, and transport.
It is used to preserve vaccines, enzymes, biological drugs, and temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals during production, storage, and transportation.
It preserves tissues, scaffolds, and other materials used in regenerative medicine.
Cryogenic technology is used for preservation, cooling, and freezing biological samples, tissues, live cells, and other sensitive materials at ultra-low temperatures.
Embryos and live cells can be preserved for decades without losing viability.
Dohmeyer systems offer precise temperature control and uniform freezing, critical for maintaining cell viability.
Cryogenic systems maintain the structural integrity of DNA, RNA, and proteins, ensuring accurate research results.
Yes, it is safe and does not alter the organic properties of the food.
Yes, Dohmeyer’s cryogenic solutions can be scaled for high-capacity production and distribution.
Absolutely. Cryogenic freezing can preserve biological materials for decades without loss of integrity.
Yes, it is the standard method for preserving stem cells in both research and therapeutic applications.
Yes, cryogenic storage ensures the integrity of clinical trial samples like blood, tissues, and drugs.
Advantages include rapid freezing, preservation of texture, and prevention of dehydration and freezer burn.
Challenges include initial investment, supply of liquefied gases, and integration into existing production lines.
Rapid freezing is critical, and cryogenic technology achieves the required temperatures within minutes.
Applications include stem cell preservation, fertility preservation, tissue engineering, and cellular therapies.
Freezers must meet GMP standards, include HEPA filtration, and ensure contamination-free environments.
Cryogenic freezing overcomes issues of molecular instability, ensuring mRNA remains intact for transport and storage.
Documentation includes validation protocols, calibration records, maintenance logs, and temperature monitoring reports.
Cryogenic freezing may have higher operational costs due to gas consumption but lower maintenance and faster throughput.
Cryopreservation refers to preserving biological materials, often at cryogenic temperatures, while cryogenic freezing generally applies to rapid freezing techniques for various products.
Freezing capacity varies widely, from a few kilograms per hour in small units to several tons per hour in industrial systems.
They maintain ultra-low temperatures during the transport and storage of pharmaceuticals and biological materials.
Cryogenic freezing ensures the stability of biological samples, drugs, and vaccines throughout the trial process.
Liquid nitrogen (LIN) is commonly used due to its ultra-low temperature of -196°C, which preserves biological samples without chemical alteration.
Controlled thawing in a refrigerated environment is recommended to maintain quality.
Materials that withstand extreme temperatures, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and specially designed cryogenic films.
Common products include vaccines, biological samples, cell cultures, and biopharmaceuticals.
Cryogenic freezing is essential for preserving the viability and functionality of cells for research, therapy, and storage.
Liquid nitrogen provides a stable -196°C environment, ensuring the long-term viability of embryos and live cells.
LIN provides the ultra-low temperatures necessary for freezing and long-term storage of mRNA vaccines and therapies.
LIN is used for rapid cooling during production processes and for freezing and storing pharmaceutical products.
Ultra-low temperatures of -80°C to -196°C are typically required, depending on the type of material.
Seafood, meat, poultry, bakery goods, fruits, vegetables, and ready-to-eat meals are ideal for cryogenic freezing.
Samples include tissues, blood, DNA, RNA, proteins, live cells, and embryos, as well as organ preservation for research and medical purposes.
Validation includes IQ/OQ/PQ protocols, temperature mapping, and performance testing.
Cryogenic freezing is used to preserve embryos at -196°C, maintaining their viability for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and research.
It ensures the long-term viability and integrity of biological materials, preventing cellular damage and degradation.
mRNA-based products, such as vaccines, are highly temperature-sensitive and require storage at -70°C to -196°C to remain stable.
Dohmeyer offers highly reliable, customizable cryogenic solutions with advanced controls to meet the stringent requirements of mRNA freezing and storage.
Dohmeyer’s cryogenic systems are highly reliable, precise, and customizable, ensuring consistent freezing and long-term preservation for sensitive biological materials.
Many pharmaceutical products, like biologics and vaccines, are highly temperature-sensitive and require freezing at -80°C or lower to maintain efficacy.
Performance and Production Related
Yes, cryogenic freezing is gentle and maintains product integrity.
Yes, tunnels and spiral systems are designed to accommodate various throughput levels.
Yes, by minimizing moisture loss and preserving product weight.
Yes, it ensures consistent freezing with minimal temperature variation.
It supports both batch and continuous production systems.
The rapid freezing process locks in moisture before it can evaporate.
Production can often be doubled due to the speed of freezing.
The size depends on the tunnel, but typically products up to 300–500 mm in width can be handled.
Depending on the tunnel size, rates can range from 100 to over 1,000 kg/hour.
Tunnel freezers, spiral freezers, batch freezers, and immersion freezers.
Product Specific
Yes, it works well for products that require glazing, such as frozen seafood.
Yes, IQF seafood portions like prawns, scallops, and fish fillets are ideal for cryogenic freezing.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is ideal for IQF (individually quick frozen) meats like diced, sliced, or minced meat.
Yes, cryogenic freezers are ideal for high-capacity, large-batch freezing.
Yes, it freezes each component (e.g., rice, protein, vegetables) uniformly without affecting their texture.
Yes, cryogenic freezers can accommodate whole birds as well as portioned cuts.
Yes, it significantly extends shelf life by slowing microbial activity.
Yes, it ensures minimal cell damage, preserving meat’s tenderness.
Yes, it can be used for fresh shellfish like lobster, crab, or clams to preserve texture and freshness.
Yes, cryogenic tunnels and spiral systems can accommodate large cuts, whole carcasses, or smaller portions.
Yes, cryogenic systems allow adjustments for conveyor speed, gas flow, and product exposure.
Yes, cryogenic freezing ensures that dairy-based sauces and delicate vegetables maintain their quality.
Yes, cryogenic tunnels can freeze meals in trays, bags, or sealed packaging.
Yes, whole fish, fillets, or IQF portions can all be cryogenically frozen quickly and uniformly.
Yes, marinated, breaded, or pre-cooked poultry can be quickly frozen without losing coating or flavor.
Yes, rapid freezing slows bacterial growth and improves food safety during storage and transportation.
Yes, it minimizes cellular damage caused by large ice crystals, keeping the meat tender and juicy.
By freezing meat quickly, it reduces moisture loss and maintains product weight, saving costs in storage and transportation.
Yes, it slows bacterial growth and enzymatic activity, extending the shelf life significantly.
Yes, the quick process helps retain vitamins and minerals.
Yes, it minimizes ice crystal formation, maintaining the structure, juiciness, and flavor of poultry.
Yes, the rapid freezing minimizes ice crystal size, improving quality.
Yes, the process locks in the natural flavors without altering taste or aroma.
Yes, it locks in the sauce quickly, preventing separation or texture changes during storage.
Yes, rapid freezing prevents significant moisture loss during thawing.
Yes, it preserves product integrity and safety without altering the composition.
Yes, it locks in moisture, preventing shrinkage and dehydration in products like shrimp, scallops, and squid.
Rapid freezing minimizes ice crystal formation, preserving the natural texture.
It preserves the delicate texture, color, and safety of sushi-grade fish without damaging the structure.
It can uniformly freeze products of any shape or size.
It significantly reduces freezing times, allowing for faster production and throughput.
It halts microbial activity and maintains freshness, significantly extending shelf life.
By minimizing dehydration, meals reheat evenly and retain their original texture and flavor.
It reduces oxidation and maintains the natural color, freshness, and quality of fish.
By freezing quickly, the surface moisture freezes immediately, preventing dehydration and freezer burn.
By freezing the product quickly, it reduces surface dehydration.
It freezes ground meat uniformly and quickly, preventing fat separation or discoloration.
Poultry parts like wings, thighs, or breasts are individually quick-frozen, ensuring they don’t stick together.
Pre-cooked meals are cooled and frozen quickly to maintain freshness, reducing bacterial growth.
Meals can typically be frozen in 5 to 15 minutes, depending on size and content.
Absolutely. It rapidly freezes marinated products without altering the seasoning or moisture content.
Yes, the freezing process can quickly solidify the glaze, ensuring even coverage.
No, cryogenic freezing locks in flavor due to minimal dehydration.
Depending on size and type, seafood can be frozen in 3 to 10 minutes.
Depending on size and weight, freezing times can range from 5 to 20 minutes, which is much faster than mechanical freezing.
Cryogenic freezing ensures rapid freezing, which preserves the natural texture, moisture, and flavor of the meat. It also minimizes ice crystal formation, reducing damage to muscle fibers.
Cryogenic freezing preserves the texture, flavor, and overall quality of RTE meals by freezing them quickly.
It preserves the delicate structure, taste, and appearance of seafood by minimizing ice crystal damage.
Poultry products are delicate and prone to freezer burn. Cryogenic freezing rapidly locks in moisture and prevents dehydration.
No, it maintains the natural color since no oxidation occurs during freezing.
Safety and Environmental
LIN and LCO₂ have minimal environmental impact as they are natural components of the atmosphere.
No, both gases are food-grade, and there is no risk of contamination if proper procedures are followed.
Though non-flammable, cryogenic materials like liquid oxygen can enhance combustion. Ensure separation from combustible materials and maintain proper ventilation.
Yes, regulations such as those from the FDA or EFSA ensure cryogenic methods used for freezing or storage comply with food safety and material handling standards.
Yes, regular checks are necessary to ensure safety and efficiency.
Yes, LIN and LCO₂ are approved for food use by global authorities like FDA and EFSA.
No, LIN and LCO₂ are clean, and they do not produce harmful emissions.
Gas detection systems can monitor oxygen levels to ensure safe working conditions.
Cryogenic gases evaporate safely into the atmosphere when released in a ventilated area.
Install proper venting systems, ensure adequate ventilation in workspaces, and use pressure-relief devices to prevent gas buildup.
Avoid direct contact with cryogenic materials by using insulated PPE and tools. Work in controlled environments and follow strict handling protocols.
Yes, LIN is derived from the atmosphere, and CO₂ can be sourced as a byproduct from other industries, making it sustainable.
No, cryogenic systems are quieter than mechanical freezers.
Yes, LCO₂ is safe when handled properly, but it also requires proper ventilation to avoid CO₂ buildup.
LIN is non-toxic, but it can displace oxygen, creating asphyxiation hazards in poorly ventilated spaces.
Risks include asphyxiation from oxygen displacement, severe frostbite or burns from contact, and potential explosions if confined spaces are not vented.
Pharmaceutical cryogenic freezers must adhere to standards like GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and regulations from bodies like the FDA, EMA, and ICH for drug substance preservation.
Procedures include evacuation plans, first-aid training for exposure, monitoring for oxygen levels in confined areas, and access to fire suppression and spill containment tools.
Gas leaks should trigger alarms from the gas detection system, and staff should follow safety protocols to ventilate the area immediately.
Insurance should include liability coverage for accidents, equipment breakdown coverage, and policies for worker safety and product loss.
PPE includes cryogenic gloves, face shields, safety goggles, insulated aprons, long sleeves, and closed-toe footwear.
Proper ventilation, gas detectors, and personal protective equipment (PPE) like insulated gloves and goggles are essential.
Operators must complete training on the proper handling of cryogenic materials, including recognizing hazards (e.g., frostbite, asphyxiation), equipment operation, emergency procedures, and first aid for exposure incidents.
Supplier and Purchasing
Most suppliers offer product trials to test system performance.
Yes, some suppliers offer rental or leasing options for short-term projects.
Yes, many cryogenic systems are modular and scalable.
Yes, reputable suppliers offer full service, spare parts, and ongoing support.
Determine your throughput, product type, space constraints, and freezing requirements.
Installation typically takes 1–2 weeks, depending on system size.
Look for food safety certifications (e.g., CE, FDA approval) and ISO standards for quality.
Operators are trained on safety, usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
Look for reliability, cost-efficiency, and proximity for gas deliveries.
Most suppliers offer a 12–24 month warranty on parts and labor.
Technical and Operational
No, LIN and LCO₂ are non-flammable.
Yes, they can be customized for storage capacity, temperature range, automation, and compatibility with specific materials or samples.
Yes, with proper planning and adjustments to accommodate gas supply and ventilation.
Yes, they are designed for continuous operation in industrial and research settings.
Yes, as long as there is a reliable supply of liquid nitrogen and power.
Absolutely, it preserves the texture and structure of plant-based proteins and meals.
Yes, poor insulation of pipelines, storage tanks, and freezer chambers can lead to significant gas losses through boil-off.
Yes, modern systems include digital controls for precise monitoring.
Yes, cryogenic systems are excellent for preserving texture and quality of ready-to-eat meals.
Yes, it ensures minimal quality loss while adhering to organic standards.
Yes, it is effective for ice cream, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products by reducing crystallization.
Yes, it freezes high-fat products like butter and cream without affecting the texture.
Yes, it is widely used for vaccines, biological samples, and sensitive drugs that require precise freezing.
Yes, Dohmeyer systems are designed for maximum gas efficiency through advanced airflow optimization, insulated chambers, and precise gas control mechanisms.
Yes, Dohmeyer systems come with advanced gas monitoring and control systems, allowing operators to track and optimize consumption in real time.
Yes, thicker or larger products require more time and energy to freeze, leading to increased gas consumption.
Yes, higher moisture content or denser products require more cooling energy, leading to higher gas consumption. For example, freezing seafood requires more LIN than lighter bakery products.
Calibration involves using traceable temperature probes or sensors to ensure accuracy within regulatory standards, often performed regularly by certified technicians.
It locks in moisture and flavor, preserving the tenderness and freshness of meat.
Multiply the gas consumption per kilogram of product (e.g., 1.5 kg LIN/kg product) by the cost per kilogram of LIN or LCO₂ and the daily production volume.
– Use well-insulated LIN or LCO₂ storage tanks
– Regularly check for leaks in pipes and connections
– Schedule deliveries to minimize boil-off losses
– Optimize belt speed and airflow settings
– Ensure proper product loading and spacing
– Regularly maintain equipment to prevent gas leaks
– Use insulated pipelines and tanks to minimize losses
They use advanced vacuum insulation, multi-layered barriers, and tightly sealed compartments to minimize heat transfer.
They utilize precise control systems with feedback loops, backup cooling systems, and insulation to maintain stable temperatures.
Continuous cryogenic tunnels typically offer better gas efficiency because they are designed for steady airflow and optimized freezing conditions.
Regularly inspect flow regulators, tanks, and pipelines for leaks or obstructions.
A supplier typically installs and commissions the equipment.
Routine defrosting, filter replacement, and preventive maintenance checks are necessary.
Insulate pipelines and storage tanks and ensure gas-tight connections.
Optimize the tunnel settings, airflow, and conveyor speed to minimize waste.
Ensure proper airflow distribution and adjust belt speed for uniform freezing.
Check gas flow, conveyor speed, and product loading for consistency.
Cleaning involves defrosting, using approved cleaning agents, and ensuring all surfaces are dry before reuse.
Consistency is achieved through proper calibration, regular maintenance, and using quality gas supplies.
Temperature is monitored using sensors and digital displays, with optional alarms and remote monitoring systems.
Preventative measures include regular inspection of seals and fittings, and installing leak detection systems.
Freezers are transported using specialized equipment and vehicles to ensure safety and prevent damage.
Common issues like temperature fluctuations or gas leaks can be addressed by checking seals, sensors, and gas supply lines.
Defrosting cycles are necessary to remove ice buildup, but they can temporarily increase gas usage. Efficient scheduling and proper maintenance reduce unnecessary defrosting.
It quickly freezes the filling without compromising the structure or texture.
It rapidly freezes seafood, minimizing dehydration, and preserving taste, texture, and appearance.
LCO₂ is often used in smaller applications or where a lower temperature drop is needed. While LIN provides ultra-low temperatures (-196°C), LCO₂ offers effective cooling with slightly lower consumption rates.
Warmer products require more energy to cool and freeze, leading to higher gas consumption. Pre-cooling products can significantly reduce LIN/LCO₂ usage.
Cryogenic freezers use significantly less electricity than mechanical freezers because the cooling energy comes from the cryogenic gas itself. However, gas costs must be factored into the overall consumption.
It is used for sterilization, preservation, and ensuring temperature consistency in sensitive applications.
Liquid nitrogen is supplied in tanks or dewars and is refilled by gas suppliers as needed.
Products move on a conveyor belt through the tunnel.
Gas consumption depends on:
– Product weight and temperature before freezing
– Target freezing temperature
– Freezing rate and throughput
– Efficiency of the cryogenic freezer system
Depending on the throughput and product type, a 10m cryogenic tunnel can consume between 150 to 400 kg of LIN per hour.
Depending on the product and system efficiency, freezing 1 ton of product typically requires 1,000 to 2,000 kg of liquid nitrogen (LIN) or 300 to 600 kg of LCO₂.
Cryogenic consumption varies depending on the freezer type, product size, temperature, and production throughput. On average, it ranges between 1 to 2 kg of liquid nitrogen (LIN) per kg of product frozen.
Space requirements vary by model, but generally include room for the freezer, gas supply tanks, and adequate ventilation.
Regular maintenance, including inspections and cleaning, is typically recommended every six months, depending on usage.
Various products can be shaped in any dimension – 2D or 3D. Immediate and permanent imprinting of the pattern on the frozen product is our specialty. This can be done using special molds cooled with liquid nitrogen.
Yes, it maintains product quality, extends shelf life, and reduces bacterial activity.
Yes, it works well for bread, pastries, and cakes, preventing sogginess and maintaining structure.
Common types include liquid nitrogen immersion freezers, liquid nitrogen vapor phase freezers, and mechanical cryogenic freezers.
Power requirements are minimal compared to mechanical systems.
The main factors include:
– Product weight and heat load
– Freezing time required
– System efficiency and insulation
– Product entry temperature
– Tunnel design and airflow optimization
Immersion bath freezers consist of a liquid nitrogen (LIN) bath, in which you can rapidly freeze products to very low temperatures by direct immersion in the cryogenic liquid at atmospheric pressure. Depending on the residence time in the cryogenic liquid, the products can be only crust frozen (by a short immersion) or completely frozen (down to -195,8°C). Many of these applications are in the food industry, where bulk, free rolling and small products are immersed directly into the bath of liquid nitrogen. Other applications use liquid nitrogen to make metals or plastics extremely brittle for subsequent cryofracture, deburring or grinding.
Follow the troubleshooting guide, and contact the supplier for immediate assistance.
Adjust the conveyor spacing or use IQF techniques for individual freezing.
Innovations include advanced automation, AI-driven temperature controls, energy-efficient cooling methods, and hybrid systems combining cryogenics with mechanical cooling.
A defrost cycle removes ice buildup and is typically needed after 20 hours of operation.
For IQF products, typical LIN consumption is about 1.2 to 1.5 kg of LIN per kg of product, depending on the product size and configuration.
Operating costs include energy consumption, gas supply, and maintenance, which can range from moderate to high depending on the scale of use.
Energy consumption varies by type and size but is generally lower for liquid nitrogen-based systems compared to mechanical freezers due to efficient cooling cycles.
Consumption rates vary by freezer size and application but are typically specified by the manufacturer.
The installation process involves site preparation, electrical setup, gas supply connections, and calibration. It requires professionals to ensure compliance with safety and operational standards.
Lead times can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on customization and supplier schedules.
A well-maintained cryogenic freezer can last 10-20 years.
Cryogenic freezers are generally quiet compared to mechanical freezers but may produce some noise from gas release or alarms.
Startup times are typically short, as liquid nitrogen rapidly cools the system to operating temperatures.
It ranges from 6 to 12 meters depending on production capacity.
They range from small benchtop units (a few liters) to large industrial systems with capacities of thousands of liters.
Ventilation is essential to prevent gas accumulation and ensure safe operation.
Clean the conveyor belts regularly and inspect for wear and tear.
Typically, cryogenic freezers are constructed from stainless steel or aluminum with high-performance insulation materials like vacuum panels or polyurethane foam.
Proper ventilation, gas detection systems, and operator safety training are required.
Common sensors include temperature probes (e.g., RTDs or thermocouples), pressure sensors, liquid level sensors, and oxygen level monitors.
Perform a defrosting cycle and ensure proper airflow to reduce ice formation.
Increase exposure time, adjust conveyor speed, or verify gas flow rates.
Many models offer software for temperature monitoring, remote operation, and data logging.
– Pre-cool products before freezing
– Regularly clean and maintain equipment
– Optimize tunnel parameters (belt speed, airflow)
– Load products uniformly to ensure even freezing
Why Choose Dohmeyer Cryogenic Equipment?
Yes, by reducing dehydration, Dohmeyer systems preserve product weight and improve overall yields.
Yes, Dohmeyer systems allow for adjustable settings to freeze multiple product types efficiently without compromising quality.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers trial runs and product testing to ensure the solution meets your specific needs before purchase.
Yes, Dohmeyer systems feature advanced digital controls that allow precise monitoring and adjustments for temperature, belt speed, and gas flow.
Yes, Dohmeyer systems comply with CE, FDA, and ISO standards, ensuring safety, hygiene, and performance in all markets.
Yes, Dohmeyer’s advanced airflow systems ensure products freeze individually, making them perfect for IQF applications like diced vegetables, seafood, and meat.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers tailored solutions based on your production requirements, space limitations, and product specifications.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers a range of systems, from compact solutions for small operations to high-capacity tunnels and spirals for large-scale producers.
Dohmeyer equipment uses sustainable cryogenic gases like LIN and CO₂, which have minimal environmental impact and comply with global food safety standards.
Dohmeyer equipment features optimized airflow and advanced controls that ensure even and consistent freezing, regardless of product size or shape.
Dohmeyer cryogenic systems rapidly freeze products, minimizing ice crystal formation, preventing dehydration, and maintaining product weight, texture, and flavor.
Dohmeyer’s cryogenic systems freeze products faster, doubling or tripling throughput compared to traditional freezing systems.
Dohmeyer’s systems ensure gentle product handling and even freezing, preserving texture, shape, and quality for delicate items.
Dohmeyer systems are modular and scalable, allowing for easy upgrades to meet growing production demands.
Dohmeyer equipment is engineered for optimal gas efficiency, reducing LIN/LCO₂ consumption while maintaining high-quality freezing performance.
Dohmeyer’s cryogenic tunnels and spirals operate at high speeds, ensuring freezing keeps pace with the most demanding production environments.
Dohmeyer systems are designed for seamless integration into existing production lines with minimal disruption.
Dohmeyer systems are designed for low maintenance and include easy access for preventative checks, which are typically required twice per year for 24/7 production environments.
Dohmeyer systems are built with high-quality stainless steel, advanced controls, and durable components, ensuring long-term reliability and reduced maintenance.
Yes, Dohmeyer cryogenic freezers have a compact footprint while offering high-capacity production capabilities, making them ideal for facilities with limited space.
Dohmeyer provides comprehensive after-sales support, including operator training, spare parts supply, remote troubleshooting, and on-site service when needed.
Dohmeyer cryogenic freezers use minimal electrical energy, relying on liquid nitrogen or CO₂ for cooling, making them energy-efficient compared to mechanical freezers.
Dohmeyer provides solutions for food processing, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, electronics, and metal industries, ensuring precise and efficient cryogenic freezing or cooling.
Many customers experience ROI within 6–12 months due to increased production throughput, reduced waste, and improved product quality.
Dohmeyer’s spiral freezers offer high-capacity freezing in a compact design, with uniform airflow that ensures consistent product freezing.
Dohmeyer equipment is designed with built-in safety systems such as gas leak detection, ventilation controls, and emergency stop features.
Dohmeyer offers tunnel freezers, spiral freezers, immersion freezers, cabinet freezers, and custom-built systems to meet diverse production requirements.
Dohmeyer is a leading global manufacturer of cryogenic freezers and cooling systems, known for delivering cutting-edge technology, reliability, and tailored solutions for various industries.
Dohmeyer stands out for its engineering expertise, innovation, reliability, and customer-focused approach, delivering tailored solutions that maximize efficiency and product quality.
Dohmeyer equipment is designed for maximum gas efficiency, ensuring minimal LIN/LCO₂ consumption while delivering superior freezing results.
Basics and General
Yes, they are often more energy-efficient than mechanical freezers because they don’t rely on compressors or refrigerant systems.
They can be environmentally friendly due to their lower energy consumption, but the production of liquefied gases does have a carbon footprint.
Yes, cryogenic freezers can be integrated into continuous production lines for high efficiency.
While cryogenic freezing doesn’t kill most bacteria or pathogens, it inhibits their growth by creating an environment unsuitable for survival.
Yes, they are often used for rapid chilling of beverages and liquid products.
Yes, cryogenic gases are used for metal hardening and temperature control in industrial processes.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is ideal for IQF applications like fruits, vegetables, and small meats.
Yes, immersion cryogenic freezers can quickly freeze liquids or semi-liquid products.
Yes, cryogenic systems are effective for cooling components during manufacturing or testing.
Liquid carbon dioxide converts to dry ice at -78.5°C (-109.3°F).
Liquid nitrogen has a temperature of -196°C (-321°F).
Catering companies supply the airline industry with quality fresh and frozen food. To ensure the integrity of the logistics’ cold chain, they have to use considerable amounts of CO2 dry ice. Dohmeyer designs and installs dry ice injection systems into food containers and vacuum insulated pipelines that supply liquid CO2 to the necessary dry ice pelletizers.
Cryogenic freezers work by exposing items to liquefied gases, such as liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide, which absorb heat as they evaporate, rapidly cooling the items.
It prevents large ice crystals from forming, preserving the texture, flavor, and nutritional value of food, as well as the integrity of pharmaceuticals and biological materials.
It works by directly exposing the product to cryogenic gases (LIN or LCO₂), causing rapid heat extraction and freezing.
Cryogenic freezing is significantly faster, often reducing freezing times by 50% or more.
Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant. It absorbs heat and evaporates, creating an ultra-cold environment for rapid freezing.
Cryogenic freezers can cool products within minutes, depending on the product’s size and thermal properties.
Yes, both LIN and LCO₂ are food-safe and widely used in the food industry.
Benefits include rapid freezing, minimal ice crystal formation, better preservation of texture and quality, and reduced energy consumption compared to some traditional methods.
Applications include freezing seafood, meat, bakery products, ready-to-eat meals, and preserving the freshness of fruits and vegetables.
Applications include preserving vaccines, storing biological samples, freezing cells, and supporting biopharmaceutical research.
Rapid freezing, improved product quality, reduced dehydration, better texture, and smaller equipment footprint.
Certifications include GMP compliance, ISO standards, and adherence to FDA or EMA regulations.
Cryogenic batch freezers use liquefied carbon dioxide (LCO2) or liquefied nitrogen (LIN) for discontinuous cooling and freezing. Controlled injection of the cryogenic gas lowers the temperature in the cabinet as the gas immediately evaporates. The latent heat of evaporation is the main source of cooling energy. Fans spread the gas in the cabinet in a controlled way and efficiently transfer the cold to the product’s surface. Cryogenic batch freezers are used for discontinuous cooling, freezing or crust-freezing for a wide range of products. Normally the operator loads the product onto trolleys equipped with wheels, before pushing them into the freezer. Applications can be found in the food industry, the pharmaceutical and metallurgical industry.
The crust process can be carried out in such equipment as batch freezers, linear tunnels, spiral tunnels, vertical tunnels.
Liquid nitrogen (LN2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the most commonly used gases.
Liquid nitrogen (LIN) and liquid carbon dioxide (LCO₂) are the two most common gases used.
Industries include food processing, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, aerospace, and medical research.
Food production, pharmaceuticals, electronics, aerospace, and metallurgy industries.
A cryogenic freezer is a device that uses extremely low temperatures, often achieved with liquefied gases like liquid nitrogen, to freeze items rapidly and efficiently.
Cryogenic tumblers are used to envelop a substrate with a sauce or another kind of coating. The end-product of the batch process is an IQF (individually quick frozen) added value product. Cryogenic coating is fast, flexible and efficient. The process can be fine-tuned to prevent breakage and to inhibit the production of fines. Due to special internal parts, the discharging of the tumbler is swift, and no segregation occurs (within 36 seconds). Thanks to specially designed nozzles and injection systems, the amount of coating can be up to 800 % in weight. Tumblers exist in nominal batch sizes of 50 to 800 kg (500 liter to 8800 liter).
Cryogenic cooling and freezing involve rapidly lowering the temperature of products using liquid nitrogen (LIN) or liquid carbon dioxide (LCO₂), which are extremely cold substances.
It involves the simultaneous mixing of a refrigerant such as liquid nitrogen (LIN) or liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2) and the product in a specially prepared unit. Product and cooling medium are loaded continuously at the highest entrance point of the drum. By the rotating movement, both are intensively mixed while, at the same time, sliding to the lower exit of the drum. The stirring movement and the mixing prevent products from clumping together. Special paddles can be built in to ensure this happens.
For some subsequent processes like slicing or decorating, it is necessary to harden the surface by crust-freezing. Using low temperatures as low as -195,8°C, the process is very fast.
Flash freezing is the rapid freezing of items to prevent ice crystal formation. Cryogenic freezing is a method used for flash freezing.
Cryogenic freezers use liquefied gases for cooling, while mechanical freezers use refrigerants and compressors. Cryogenic systems achieve much lower temperatures more quickly.
Products frozen cryogenically can have an extended shelf life, often several months to years, depending on the product type and storage conditions.
Rotary drum freezers are best used for IQF freezing of free rolling, mostly small products. They are perfect for products consisting of separate pieces. Applications in the food industry are abundant: rotary drums freeze individual pieces (granules, crumps, cubes.. ) of fish and meat, pasta, vegetables and precooked dishes to IQF quality.
Almost any food product, pharmaceuticals, metal components, and sensitive electronics can be cryogenically cooled or frozen.
Manufacturing of convenience food and ready meal components. The substrate can be seafood, vegetables, meat, potatoes, pasta or other free rolling products.
In the cryogenic batch freezers we can freeze such products as ready meals, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, poultry.
Precautions include proper ventilation, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and training to handle liquefied gases safely.
Cryogenic freezers can achieve temperatures as low as -196°C (-321°F), depending on the gas used.
Cost and Economics
Yes, cryogenic systems generally have lower maintenance costs compared to mechanical freezers.
Yes, faster freezing and fewer manual interventions streamline operations.
Costs include LIN/LCO₂ consumption, equipment, and maintenance, balanced against savings in production time and quality improvement.
LIN consumption varies but typically ranges from 1–2 kg per kg of product depending on the application.
Cryogenic tunnels have a smaller footprint compared to mechanical freezers, often less than 10–20 meters in length.
Many businesses notice improvements in throughput and quality within weeks.
While the operational costs for cryogenics can be higher, the overall benefits, such as reduced freezing times and better product quality, often offset these costs.
Costs depend on local suppliers and consumption rates but are generally affordable for high-value production.
Cryogenic systems use significantly less electricity since the cooling comes from LIN or LCO₂.
ROI depends on product type, production volume, and quality benefits. Many companies see ROI within 6–12 months.
Industry Specific
Yes, they are commonly used in blood banks and medical facilities for long-term storage.
Yes, industrial cryogenic freezers are designed to handle large-scale production.
Yes, they are specifically designed to maintain the integrity of sensitive samples such as DNA, RNA, and cells.
Yes, they are widely used for the long-term storage of stem cells in research and clinical applications.
Yes, it can be seamlessly integrated with conveyors and automated systems.
Yes, it is widely used for freezing meat and poultry to maintain quality and texture.
Yes, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are often stored cryogenically to prevent denaturation.
Yes, it is commonly used to preserve the quality and safety of ready-to-eat meals.
Yes, it ensures stability and extends the usability of sensitive products.
Yes, it prevents degradation and maintains the stability of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals.
Yes, by rapidly reducing temperatures, it minimizes the risk of microbial growth.
Yes, it prevents enzyme degradation and preserves API efficacy during storage.
Yes, it helps retain the natural flavors of food by reducing oxidative damage during freezing.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is used to preserve vaccines by maintaining their stability and efficacy at ultra-low temperatures.
Yes, the rapid freezing process reduces the likelihood of freezer burn.
Yes, closed systems and sterile environments prevent contamination of stored materials.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is the standard for preserving stem cells in both research and medical therapies.
Yes, Dohmeyer cryogenic freezers are ideal for preserving embryos, oocytes, and sperm for fertility treatments.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers tailored cryogenic systems for bulk freezing and storage of mRNA-based products.
It minimally affects nutritional value compared to traditional freezing methods.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers advanced cryogenic systems specifically designed for pharmaceutical freezing, cooling, and storage needs.
Yes, Dohmeyer offers customized cryogenic freezers and liquid nitrogen-based storage solutions for life science applications.
Bakery products are flash frozen to preserve freshness and texture, often right after baking or partially baking.
Advanced design features and sensors monitor and maintain uniform temperatures throughout the freezer.
It preserves the natural texture by preventing large ice crystal formation.
It ensures long shelf life and preserves product quality during transit.
It enables the preservation of patient-specific treatments, such as cellular therapies and precision biologics.
Cryogenic freezing is often faster and can achieve lower temperatures than traditional IQF methods.
By maintaining precise temperatures, cryogenic systems prevent thermal fluctuations that can degrade mRNA integrity.
It provides reliable ultra-cold storage during shipping and ensures vaccines remain stable during long-distance transport.
It provides reliable preservation methods for biological materials, enabling reproducibility and stability in experiments.
It preserves vaccines by preventing chemical degradation and microbial growth, ensuring long-term stability.
Rapid freezing minimizes ice crystal formation, which prevents mechanical damage to cellular structures.
By using ultra-low temperatures and rapid freezing, cryogenic technology minimizes ice crystal formation and cellular damage.
It aids in the preservation of biological samples, proteins, and enzymes, and ensures stability during research and development.
Cells are rapidly frozen to prevent ice crystal formation, preserving cellular structure and function.
It maintains the structural integrity of the mRNA molecules, preventing degradation and ensuring efficacy.
Cryogenic systems provide consistent ultra-low temperatures during transport, ensuring pharmaceutical integrity.
It preserves viral vectors, plasmids, and other gene therapy materials during production, storage, and transport.
It is used to preserve vaccines, enzymes, biological drugs, and temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals during production, storage, and transportation.
It preserves tissues, scaffolds, and other materials used in regenerative medicine.
Cryogenic technology is used for preservation, cooling, and freezing biological samples, tissues, live cells, and other sensitive materials at ultra-low temperatures.
Embryos and live cells can be preserved for decades without losing viability.
Dohmeyer systems offer precise temperature control and uniform freezing, critical for maintaining cell viability.
Cryogenic systems maintain the structural integrity of DNA, RNA, and proteins, ensuring accurate research results.
Yes, it is safe and does not alter the organic properties of the food.
Yes, Dohmeyer’s cryogenic solutions can be scaled for high-capacity production and distribution.
Absolutely. Cryogenic freezing can preserve biological materials for decades without loss of integrity.
Yes, it is the standard method for preserving stem cells in both research and therapeutic applications.
Yes, cryogenic storage ensures the integrity of clinical trial samples like blood, tissues, and drugs.
Advantages include rapid freezing, preservation of texture, and prevention of dehydration and freezer burn.
Challenges include initial investment, supply of liquefied gases, and integration into existing production lines.
Rapid freezing is critical, and cryogenic technology achieves the required temperatures within minutes.
Applications include stem cell preservation, fertility preservation, tissue engineering, and cellular therapies.
Freezers must meet GMP standards, include HEPA filtration, and ensure contamination-free environments.
Cryogenic freezing overcomes issues of molecular instability, ensuring mRNA remains intact for transport and storage.
Documentation includes validation protocols, calibration records, maintenance logs, and temperature monitoring reports.
Cryogenic freezing may have higher operational costs due to gas consumption but lower maintenance and faster throughput.
Cryopreservation refers to preserving biological materials, often at cryogenic temperatures, while cryogenic freezing generally applies to rapid freezing techniques for various products.
Freezing capacity varies widely, from a few kilograms per hour in small units to several tons per hour in industrial systems.
They maintain ultra-low temperatures during the transport and storage of pharmaceuticals and biological materials.
Cryogenic freezing ensures the stability of biological samples, drugs, and vaccines throughout the trial process.
Liquid nitrogen (LIN) is commonly used due to its ultra-low temperature of -196°C, which preserves biological samples without chemical alteration.
Controlled thawing in a refrigerated environment is recommended to maintain quality.
Materials that withstand extreme temperatures, such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and specially designed cryogenic films.
Common products include vaccines, biological samples, cell cultures, and biopharmaceuticals.
Cryogenic freezing is essential for preserving the viability and functionality of cells for research, therapy, and storage.
Liquid nitrogen provides a stable -196°C environment, ensuring the long-term viability of embryos and live cells.
LIN provides the ultra-low temperatures necessary for freezing and long-term storage of mRNA vaccines and therapies.
LIN is used for rapid cooling during production processes and for freezing and storing pharmaceutical products.
Ultra-low temperatures of -80°C to -196°C are typically required, depending on the type of material.
Seafood, meat, poultry, bakery goods, fruits, vegetables, and ready-to-eat meals are ideal for cryogenic freezing.
Samples include tissues, blood, DNA, RNA, proteins, live cells, and embryos, as well as organ preservation for research and medical purposes.
Validation includes IQ/OQ/PQ protocols, temperature mapping, and performance testing.
Cryogenic freezing is used to preserve embryos at -196°C, maintaining their viability for in vitro fertilization (IVF) and research.
It ensures the long-term viability and integrity of biological materials, preventing cellular damage and degradation.
mRNA-based products, such as vaccines, are highly temperature-sensitive and require storage at -70°C to -196°C to remain stable.
Dohmeyer offers highly reliable, customizable cryogenic solutions with advanced controls to meet the stringent requirements of mRNA freezing and storage.
Dohmeyer’s cryogenic systems are highly reliable, precise, and customizable, ensuring consistent freezing and long-term preservation for sensitive biological materials.
Many pharmaceutical products, like biologics and vaccines, are highly temperature-sensitive and require freezing at -80°C or lower to maintain efficacy.
Performance and Production Related
Yes, cryogenic freezing is gentle and maintains product integrity.
Yes, tunnels and spiral systems are designed to accommodate various throughput levels.
Yes, by minimizing moisture loss and preserving product weight.
Yes, it ensures consistent freezing with minimal temperature variation.
It supports both batch and continuous production systems.
The rapid freezing process locks in moisture before it can evaporate.
Production can often be doubled due to the speed of freezing.
The size depends on the tunnel, but typically products up to 300–500 mm in width can be handled.
Depending on the tunnel size, rates can range from 100 to over 1,000 kg/hour.
Tunnel freezers, spiral freezers, batch freezers, and immersion freezers.
Product Specific
Yes, it works well for products that require glazing, such as frozen seafood.
Yes, IQF seafood portions like prawns, scallops, and fish fillets are ideal for cryogenic freezing.
Yes, cryogenic freezing is ideal for IQF (individually quick frozen) meats like diced, sliced, or minced meat.
Yes, cryogenic freezers are ideal for high-capacity, large-batch freezing.
Yes, it freezes each component (e.g., rice, protein, vegetables) uniformly without affecting their texture.
Yes, cryogenic freezers can accommodate whole birds as well as portioned cuts.
Yes, it significantly extends shelf life by slowing microbial activity.
Yes, it ensures minimal cell damage, preserving meat’s tenderness.
Yes, it can be used for fresh shellfish like lobster, crab, or clams to preserve texture and freshness.
Yes, cryogenic tunnels and spiral systems can accommodate large cuts, whole carcasses, or smaller portions.
Yes, cryogenic systems allow adjustments for conveyor speed, gas flow, and product exposure.
Yes, cryogenic freezing ensures that dairy-based sauces and delicate vegetables maintain their quality.
Yes, cryogenic tunnels can freeze meals in trays, bags, or sealed packaging.
Yes, whole fish, fillets, or IQF portions can all be cryogenically frozen quickly and uniformly.
Yes, marinated, breaded, or pre-cooked poultry can be quickly frozen without losing coating or flavor.
Yes, rapid freezing slows bacterial growth and improves food safety during storage and transportation.
Yes, it minimizes cellular damage caused by large ice crystals, keeping the meat tender and juicy.
By freezing meat quickly, it reduces moisture loss and maintains product weight, saving costs in storage and transportation.
Yes, it slows bacterial growth and enzymatic activity, extending the shelf life significantly.
Yes, the quick process helps retain vitamins and minerals.
Yes, it minimizes ice crystal formation, maintaining the structure, juiciness, and flavor of poultry.
Yes, the rapid freezing minimizes ice crystal size, improving quality.
Yes, the process locks in the natural flavors without altering taste or aroma.
Yes, it locks in the sauce quickly, preventing separation or texture changes during storage.
Yes, rapid freezing prevents significant moisture loss during thawing.
Yes, it preserves product integrity and safety without altering the composition.
Yes, it locks in moisture, preventing shrinkage and dehydration in products like shrimp, scallops, and squid.
Rapid freezing minimizes ice crystal formation, preserving the natural texture.
It preserves the delicate texture, color, and safety of sushi-grade fish without damaging the structure.
It can uniformly freeze products of any shape or size.
It significantly reduces freezing times, allowing for faster production and throughput.
It halts microbial activity and maintains freshness, significantly extending shelf life.
By minimizing dehydration, meals reheat evenly and retain their original texture and flavor.
It reduces oxidation and maintains the natural color, freshness, and quality of fish.
By freezing quickly, the surface moisture freezes immediately, preventing dehydration and freezer burn.
By freezing the product quickly, it reduces surface dehydration.
It freezes ground meat uniformly and quickly, preventing fat separation or discoloration.
Poultry parts like wings, thighs, or breasts are individually quick-frozen, ensuring they don’t stick together.
Pre-cooked meals are cooled and frozen quickly to maintain freshness, reducing bacterial growth.
Meals can typically be frozen in 5 to 15 minutes, depending on size and content.
Absolutely. It rapidly freezes marinated products without altering the seasoning or moisture content.
Yes, the freezing process can quickly solidify the glaze, ensuring even coverage.
No, cryogenic freezing locks in flavor due to minimal dehydration.
Depending on size and type, seafood can be frozen in 3 to 10 minutes.
Depending on size and weight, freezing times can range from 5 to 20 minutes, which is much faster than mechanical freezing.
Cryogenic freezing ensures rapid freezing, which preserves the natural texture, moisture, and flavor of the meat. It also minimizes ice crystal formation, reducing damage to muscle fibers.
Cryogenic freezing preserves the texture, flavor, and overall quality of RTE meals by freezing them quickly.
It preserves the delicate structure, taste, and appearance of seafood by minimizing ice crystal damage.
Poultry products are delicate and prone to freezer burn. Cryogenic freezing rapidly locks in moisture and prevents dehydration.
No, it maintains the natural color since no oxidation occurs during freezing.
Safety and Environmental
LIN and LCO₂ have minimal environmental impact as they are natural components of the atmosphere.
No, both gases are food-grade, and there is no risk of contamination if proper procedures are followed.
Though non-flammable, cryogenic materials like liquid oxygen can enhance combustion. Ensure separation from combustible materials and maintain proper ventilation.
Yes, regulations such as those from the FDA or EFSA ensure cryogenic methods used for freezing or storage comply with food safety and material handling standards.
Yes, regular checks are necessary to ensure safety and efficiency.
Yes, LIN and LCO₂ are approved for food use by global authorities like FDA and EFSA.
No, LIN and LCO₂ are clean, and they do not produce harmful emissions.
Gas detection systems can monitor oxygen levels to ensure safe working conditions.
Cryogenic gases evaporate safely into the atmosphere when released in a ventilated area.
Install proper venting systems, ensure adequate ventilation in workspaces, and use pressure-relief devices to prevent gas buildup.
Avoid direct contact with cryogenic materials by using insulated PPE and tools. Work in controlled environments and follow strict handling protocols.
Yes, LIN is derived from the atmosphere, and CO₂ can be sourced as a byproduct from other industries, making it sustainable.
No, cryogenic systems are quieter than mechanical freezers.
Yes, LCO₂ is safe when handled properly, but it also requires proper ventilation to avoid CO₂ buildup.
LIN is non-toxic, but it can displace oxygen, creating asphyxiation hazards in poorly ventilated spaces.
Risks include asphyxiation from oxygen displacement, severe frostbite or burns from contact, and potential explosions if confined spaces are not vented.
Pharmaceutical cryogenic freezers must adhere to standards like GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and regulations from bodies like the FDA, EMA, and ICH for drug substance preservation.
Procedures include evacuation plans, first-aid training for exposure, monitoring for oxygen levels in confined areas, and access to fire suppression and spill containment tools.
Gas leaks should trigger alarms from the gas detection system, and staff should follow safety protocols to ventilate the area immediately.
Insurance should include liability coverage for accidents, equipment breakdown coverage, and policies for worker safety and product loss.
PPE includes cryogenic gloves, face shields, safety goggles, insulated aprons, long sleeves, and closed-toe footwear.
Proper ventilation, gas detectors, and personal protective equipment (PPE) like insulated gloves and goggles are essential.
Operators must complete training on the proper handling of cryogenic materials, including recognizing hazards (e.g., frostbite, asphyxiation), equipment operation, emergency procedures, and first aid for exposure incidents.
Supplier and Purchasing
Most suppliers offer product trials to test system performance.
Yes, some suppliers offer rental or leasing options for short-term projects.
Yes, many cryogenic systems are modular and scalable.
Yes, reputable suppliers offer full service, spare parts, and ongoing support.
Determine your throughput, product type, space constraints, and freezing requirements.
Installation typically takes 1–2 weeks, depending on system size.
Look for food safety certifications (e.g., CE, FDA approval) and ISO standards for quality.
Operators are trained on safety, usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
Look for reliability, cost-efficiency, and proximity for gas deliveries.
Most suppliers offer a 12–24 month warranty on parts and labor.
Technical and Operational
No, LIN and LCO₂ are non-flammable.
Yes, they can be customized for storage capacity, temperature range, automation, and compatibility with specific materials or samples.
Yes, with proper planning and adjustments to accommodate gas supply and ventilation.
Yes, they are designed for continuous operation in industrial and research settings.
Yes, as long as there is a reliable supply of liquid nitrogen and power.
Absolutely, it preserves the texture and structure of plant-based proteins and meals.
Yes, poor insulation of pipelines, storage tanks, and freezer chambers can lead to significant gas losses through boil-off.
Yes, modern systems include digital controls for precise monitoring.
Yes, cryogenic systems are excellent for preserving texture and quality of ready-to-eat meals.
Yes, it ensures minimal quality loss while adhering to organic standards.
Yes, it is effective for ice cream, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products by reducing crystallization.
Yes, it freezes high-fat products like butter and cream without affecting the texture.
Yes, it is widely used for vaccines, biological samples, and sensitive drugs that require precise freezing.
Yes, Dohmeyer systems are designed for maximum gas efficiency through advanced airflow optimization, insulated chambers, and precise gas control mechanisms.
Yes, Dohmeyer systems come with advanced gas monitoring and control systems, allowing operators to track and optimize consumption in real time.
Yes, thicker or larger products require more time and energy to freeze, leading to increased gas consumption.
Yes, higher moisture content or denser products require more cooling energy, leading to higher gas consumption. For example, freezing seafood requires more LIN than lighter bakery products.
Calibration involves using traceable temperature probes or sensors to ensure accuracy within regulatory standards, often performed regularly by certified technicians.
It locks in moisture and flavor, preserving the tenderness and freshness of meat.
Multiply the gas consumption per kilogram of product (e.g., 1.5 kg LIN/kg product) by the cost per kilogram of LIN or LCO₂ and the daily production volume.
– Use well-insulated LIN or LCO₂ storage tanks
– Regularly check for leaks in pipes and connections
– Schedule deliveries to minimize boil-off losses
– Optimize belt speed and airflow settings
– Ensure proper product loading and spacing
– Regularly maintain equipment to prevent gas leaks
– Use insulated pipelines and tanks to minimize losses
They use advanced vacuum insulation, multi-layered barriers, and tightly sealed compartments to minimize heat transfer.
They utilize precise control systems with feedback loops, backup cooling systems, and insulation to maintain stable temperatures.
Continuous cryogenic tunnels typically offer better gas efficiency because they are designed for steady airflow and optimized freezing conditions.
Regularly inspect flow regulators, tanks, and pipelines for leaks or obstructions.
A supplier typically installs and commissions the equipment.
Routine defrosting, filter replacement, and preventive maintenance checks are necessary.
Insulate pipelines and storage tanks and ensure gas-tight connections.
Optimize the tunnel settings, airflow, and conveyor speed to minimize waste.
Ensure proper airflow distribution and adjust belt speed for uniform freezing.
Check gas flow, conveyor speed, and product loading for consistency.
Cleaning involves defrosting, using approved cleaning agents, and ensuring all surfaces are dry before reuse.
Consistency is achieved through proper calibration, regular maintenance, and using quality gas supplies.
Temperature is monitored using sensors and digital displays, with optional alarms and remote monitoring systems.
Preventative measures include regular inspection of seals and fittings, and installing leak detection systems.
Freezers are transported using specialized equipment and vehicles to ensure safety and prevent damage.
Common issues like temperature fluctuations or gas leaks can be addressed by checking seals, sensors, and gas supply lines.
Defrosting cycles are necessary to remove ice buildup, but they can temporarily increase gas usage. Efficient scheduling and proper maintenance reduce unnecessary defrosting.
It quickly freezes the filling without compromising the structure or texture.
It rapidly freezes seafood, minimizing dehydration, and preserving taste, texture, and appearance.
LCO₂ is often used in smaller applications or where a lower temperature drop is needed. While LIN provides ultra-low temperatures (-196°C), LCO₂ offers effective cooling with slightly lower consumption rates.
Warmer products require more energy to cool and freeze, leading to higher gas consumption. Pre-cooling products can significantly reduce LIN/LCO₂ usage.
Cryogenic freezers use significantly less electricity than mechanical freezers because the cooling energy comes from the cryogenic gas itself. However, gas costs must be factored into the overall consumption.
It is used for sterilization, preservation, and ensuring temperature consistency in sensitive applications.
Liquid nitrogen is supplied in tanks or dewars and is refilled by gas suppliers as needed.
Products move on a conveyor belt through the tunnel.
Gas consumption depends on:
– Product weight and temperature before freezing
– Target freezing temperature
– Freezing rate and throughput
– Efficiency of the cryogenic freezer system
Depending on the throughput and product type, a 10m cryogenic tunnel can consume between 150 to 400 kg of LIN per hour.
Depending on the product and system efficiency, freezing 1 ton of product typically requires 1,000 to 2,000 kg of liquid nitrogen (LIN) or 300 to 600 kg of LCO₂.
Cryogenic consumption varies depending on the freezer type, product size, temperature, and production throughput. On average, it ranges between 1 to 2 kg of liquid nitrogen (LIN) per kg of product frozen.
Space requirements vary by model, but generally include room for the freezer, gas supply tanks, and adequate ventilation.
Regular maintenance, including inspections and cleaning, is typically recommended every six months, depending on usage.
Various products can be shaped in any dimension – 2D or 3D. Immediate and permanent imprinting of the pattern on the frozen product is our specialty. This can be done using special molds cooled with liquid nitrogen.
Yes, it maintains product quality, extends shelf life, and reduces bacterial activity.
Yes, it works well for bread, pastries, and cakes, preventing sogginess and maintaining structure.
Common types include liquid nitrogen immersion freezers, liquid nitrogen vapor phase freezers, and mechanical cryogenic freezers.
Power requirements are minimal compared to mechanical systems.
The main factors include:
– Product weight and heat load
– Freezing time required
– System efficiency and insulation
– Product entry temperature
– Tunnel design and airflow optimization
Immersion bath freezers consist of a liquid nitrogen (LIN) bath, in which you can rapidly freeze products to very low temperatures by direct immersion in the cryogenic liquid at atmospheric pressure. Depending on the residence time in the cryogenic liquid, the products can be only crust frozen (by a short immersion) or completely frozen (down to -195,8°C). Many of these applications are in the food industry, where bulk, free rolling and small products are immersed directly into the bath of liquid nitrogen. Other applications use liquid nitrogen to make metals or plastics extremely brittle for subsequent cryofracture, deburring or grinding.
Follow the troubleshooting guide, and contact the supplier for immediate assistance.
Adjust the conveyor spacing or use IQF techniques for individual freezing.
Innovations include advanced automation, AI-driven temperature controls, energy-efficient cooling methods, and hybrid systems combining cryogenics with mechanical cooling.
A defrost cycle removes ice buildup and is typically needed after 20 hours of operation.
For IQF products, typical LIN consumption is about 1.2 to 1.5 kg of LIN per kg of product, depending on the product size and configuration.
Operating costs include energy consumption, gas supply, and maintenance, which can range from moderate to high depending on the scale of use.
Energy consumption varies by type and size but is generally lower for liquid nitrogen-based systems compared to mechanical freezers due to efficient cooling cycles.
Consumption rates vary by freezer size and application but are typically specified by the manufacturer.
The installation process involves site preparation, electrical setup, gas supply connections, and calibration. It requires professionals to ensure compliance with safety and operational standards.
Lead times can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on customization and supplier schedules.
A well-maintained cryogenic freezer can last 10-20 years.
Cryogenic freezers are generally quiet compared to mechanical freezers but may produce some noise from gas release or alarms.
Startup times are typically short, as liquid nitrogen rapidly cools the system to operating temperatures.
It ranges from 6 to 12 meters depending on production capacity.
They range from small benchtop units (a few liters) to large industrial systems with capacities of thousands of liters.
Ventilation is essential to prevent gas accumulation and ensure safe operation.
Clean the conveyor belts regularly and inspect for wear and tear.
Typically, cryogenic freezers are constructed from stainless steel or aluminum with high-performance insulation materials like vacuum panels or polyurethane foam.
Proper ventilation, gas detection systems, and operator safety training are required.
Common sensors include temperature probes (e.g., RTDs or t