Control Rate Freezer

Preserving the highest biological quality.


Dohmeyer is a valued partner of universities, and medical and research institutes for development, design and manufacture of controlled rate freezers. Dohmeyer can implement complex projects, including freezing, low temperature storage systems and cryogenic pipelines.
For human and veterinarian reproduction. Dohmeyer is a valued partner of universities, and medical and research institutes for development, design and manufacture of controlled rate freezers. Dohmeyer can implement complex projects, including freezing, low temperature storage systems and cryogenic pipelines.


Cryogenic (-80°c and lower) and deep frozen (-18°C) conservation of Lactic acid bacteria LAB) and probiot Bifidobacteria is subject to the freezing process. Control rate freezing causes minimal damage, so that the micro organisms survive the freezing process and have maximum activity.


For long time storage, enzymes must be kept in sterilized conditions at cryogenic temperatures, in freezers or under liquid nitrogen. To avoid protein denaturation, it is critical that samples are frozen in a controlled and quick way.